Geoff Captain

April 23, 2021: Congratulations Geoff!

Congratulations to Captain Geoff Hoeksema for receiving the honorable promotion to Fleet Captain. Geoff has been with Shepler’s for 14 years and a Captain for just over half of those dedicated years – 8 whole years! If you see Captain Geoff be sure to congratulate him on the promotion – he will be piloting our ferries all season! CONGRATS AGAIN!


April 16, 2021: Happy Birthday Bill!

Captain Bill Shepler’s 89th Birthday was Tuesday April 13, 2021! The CEO of Shepler’s Mackinac Island Ferry still helps out on the dock at 89 years old! If you see him around be sure to say, “Hello Friendly!”

Kendall Wiley

April 5, 2021: Captain Kendall

Miss Kendall bleeds blue here at Shepler’s. Both of her parents, Jason and Katie work here, and any chance she gets she wants to go for a boat ride. Look for her, and her brother, in Shepler’s TV commercial!