Sprinkles, submitted by Fouracre TL

We are celebrating our furriest, friendliest, tail-waggingest guests!  We LOVE your pets and there are many ways that we show it. Your pet will always get a free ride on Shepler’s Mackinac Island Ferry.  We love little dogs, big dogs, dogs with squishy faces, dogs with big noses, dogs with big floppy ears, and dogs in sweaters.  We are equal opportunity puppy lovers.  But, we’re not the only ones. Most of the Island is pet friendly.

For instance, did you know you can take your pooch on a carriage tour with you?  If they are small enough to ride on your lap, they’re free.  If you have a big dog (hey, that just means more of them to love) then you will need to purchase a child’s ticket for them.

Fort Mackinac also admits pets – free of charge!  They may even put them to work like this guest guard dog.  Just kidding, we know your dogs are on vacation, too.

Thank you to our Facebook follower Brent V. for submitting this picture.

There are over 70 miles of hiking trails on Mackinac Island.  Talk about a great walk!  And once you get to the interior of the island, the whole experience changes and you feel the peaceful tranquility that you will hear the residents and return guests talk about.  Sometimes a long walk is just what your dog needs after being the busy Main Street. (It’s not too bad for the human on the other end of the leash, either.)

If biking is more your speed, you can rent bikes with dog trailers from many of the bike rental shops on the Island.  Some even have basket carriers for the front of the bike for smaller pets.

If you are looking for a meal that you can enjoy with your best friend beside you, head down to Mission Point Resort, where there are two restaurants that have outdoor dining and are pet friendly.

Maddie loves riding on the top deck. Photo by Nancy G.

Tips for Traveling with Pets to Mackinac Island

  1. Be sure to keep all pets on a leash for the duration of your trip.  This is for their safety and the safety of others.
  2. Bring bags to pick up after them. We like to keep the Island clean for all of our visitors.
  3. If your dog likes to hang their head out the window on car rides, be sure to sit up top on the ferry to give them the thrill of their life!
  4. Many stores on Main Street allow pets, but be sure to ask before walking in.
  5. The main transportation method on the Island is by horse.  Be sure that your dogs are comfortable around them before bringing them over.  We don’t want to spook the horses on a crowded Main Street if dogs become aggressive.
  6. Explore the trails.  It will get a lot of energy out and make for a more peaceful ride home.
  7. Add your own tips to the comments section.

We would LOVE to see you and your pets on the boat this summer!